Thursday, May 18, 2017


My own design based on a variant of the saddlebags divsiion. Accidentally filled some petals in light green, but am not sure it was a bad thing. Might have to redo this design and alternate the color choices.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Pysanky from this Easter (Duck Eggs using designs from Helen Badulak)

The pysanky my family completed this Easter. Most of these will get covered in greater detail on the blog.
This year my mom and I spent a lot of time looking at Helen Badulak's book, *Pysanky in the 21st Century.* Badulak is a prominent diasporan pysankarka/pysanka artist. Below are pysanky my mother and I wrote that are near replicas of Badulak's work. Her style is defined by tiny, meticulous detail. It's often difficult to get all her motifs onto the egg.

A pysanka based on a design by Helen Badulak written by my mom on a duck egg.

A near replica of a pysanka by Helen Badulak that I wrote on a duck egg. I changed the squares in the two horizontal bands that run parallel to the main band.