Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Simpler Designs from Elyjiw's Collection

Saddlebags division with tree of life.

Random division.

Six roses division; this one was modified from the original a bit.

All of these designs are from Elyjiw's Sixty Score of Easter Eggs.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Rosettes in Red and White (Goose Egg)

A traditional division and design, but in particular, an adaptation of Egg Number 22 in Ukrainian Easter Egg Design Book 2. 

Monday, February 18, 2013

White Cross with Berries and Buds

This design is a near-replica of an egg in Elyjiw's Sixty Score of Easter Eggs with stylistic modifications.

Hutsul Horses

My own design making use of a division seen in pysanky from the Hutsul region of Ukraine. This region is famous for its folk art and intricate pysanky.